Tiger’s Eye doughnut and hematite bead accent on cord. Approximate size 4.3 x 3 cm. 28″ rayon rattail cord can be adjusted in length.
As these are made from natural stones, colours and patterns on stones may not be exactly as shown.
Gold tigers eye is a gemstone in which crocidolite has been replaced by quartz, while its fibrous structure is preserved. The shimmering eye-like nature, called chatoyancy, is caused by these fibers. Enhances connection with personal power and will and helps manifest what one is thinking. Assists clear perception and insight and acts as an emotional balancer.
Hematite derives from the Greek word meaning ‘Blood’; so named because when cut, the coolant turns blood red in colour. The shiny Hematite crystals are sometimes called ‘Specularite’ (from Latin for ‘mirror’), and were used as mirrors in ancient times. This stone is rated 6 on the Mohs scale of hardness, which makes it an excellent medium for quality, high luster jewellery and small carvings.
Hematite occurrences are found in parts of the Yukon, Labrador, Quebec, British Columbia and Brazil.